Our Services: Paint Correction

paint correction example

What's the difference between a "Cut and Polish" and "Paint Correction"?

Both "Paint Correction" and a "Cut and Polish" are carried out by machine polishers - technically there isn't any difference between the two. The term "Cut and Polish" is generally used by car washing outfits, cheap grooming services or panel and paint shops. The objective of these sorts of places is to get the car out the door as fast as possible. We're not about that.

Permanently remove scratches and marring with Paint Correction

Over time, your vehicles paintwork through contamination and washing becomes scratched and marred. It will no longer have the gloss it used to, scratches will become obvious in the sunlight and essentially it won't look as good. Our Paint Correction permanently removes marring, swirls and scratches from your paint to get your paintwork looking sharp again.

Paint Correction Examples

corrected paint

Before. Heavy waterspots and wash scratches made this vehicle appear to have a matte paint finish.

corrected paint

After Paint Correction. The waterspots completely removed and the gloss is restored.

paint correction before example

Before. Pay close attention to where the light is being reflected and note the swirl marks and scratches throughout the paint.

corrected paint

After Paint Correction. Scratches are removed and the paint now has a fantasic gloss.

paint correction before example

Before. Heavy scratching again detracts from the paintwork of this vehicle.

corrected paid

After Paint Correction. A night and day difference between before and after.

Paint Correction is included in our Exterior, Full and Comprehensive Detail.

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(03) 379-1390

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